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Consorzio Italbiotec

Italbiotech is an Italian leading no-profit organization in the biotechnology sector, founded on 25 February 1998, bringing together academic and industry excellence in Life Science, Agrofood and Bioeconomy.

Italbiotech leads scientific development and virtuous knowledge transfer between the research community and industry to shaping a cutting-edge innovation ecosystem driven by biotechnology start-ups, companies, universities where cooperation and knowledge exchange trigger growth and sustainable innovation. It offers successful consulting strategies concerning business development for private companies, universities and research institutions, turning ideas into sustainable innovation. Its focus is on improving the client’s performances by boosting R&D innovation with a comprehensive approach based on a strategic bolster in every step of the operational routine, delivering the best solutions to incoming challenges.

Consortium Italbiotec was created to encourage the development of biotechnologies through collaboration between the academic and industrial world, promoting and coordinating research, training and innovation projects at regional, national and community level.

In addition to research, the mission of Italbiotec is focused in the field of research and training of human capital in the biotechnology sector, using project management and euro-design tools and managing interactive training courses, through innovative teaching tools.

Since its establishment, Italbiotec has dealt with the management and coordination of funded research and training projects, supporting the proponents from the early stages of the project, from the preparation of the funding application to support in the implementation and development of project activities.

Thanks to the consortium structure listed above, it is able to cover all areas of Biotechnological research and development, from Industrial Biotechnology to the Agri-food sector, up to the new Life Sciences related to the Health industry.

Specifically, ITALBIOTEC offers its skills for the development of drugs and industrialization starting from compounds from organisms of marine origin and, above all, the experience in the development of active ingredients for the pharmaceutical industry in the clinical and preclinical phase within the project. POR “ADViSE – Antitumor Drugs and Vaccines from the Sea” of which the ICB-CNR is the lead partner, and is one of the partners together with other CNR institutes.

We offer successful consulting strategies concerning business development for private companies, universities and research institutions, turning ideas into sustainable innovation. Our focus is on improving the client’s performances by boosting R&D innovation with a comprehensive approach based on a strategic bolster in every step of the operational routine, delivering the best solutions to incoming challenges.

Registered office

Via G. Fantoli, 15/16
c/o Polo Multimedica
20138 Milano (MI)
R.E.A. 1804119 – CCIAA: MI


Piazza della Trivulziana, 4/A
20126 Milano (MI)
Telefono: +39 02 89754564

Unit of Lodi

Via Einstein – Loc. Casc. Codazza
c/o Parco Tecnologico Padano
26900 Lodi (LO)
R.E.A. 1459512

Unit of Lecce

Prov.le Lecce – Monteroni
c/o DISTEBA– UniSalento
73100 Lecce (LE)
R.E.A. 308498

Naples 1 Unit

Via Campi Flegrei, 34
80078 Pozzuoli (NA)
R.E.A. 966557

Naples 2 Unit

Via G.Porzio, 4
80143 Napoli (NA)
R.E.A. 966557