This research project is funded by the EU and is aimed to investigate the effect of diets rich in saturated fatty acids on the onset of neuroinflammation and synaptic...
The Catania branch of the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry is also participating in the European Researchers’ Night 2024 with the SuperScienceMe project.
27 September 2024, the Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry in Catania will participate in the ” European Researchers’ Night “. Through short demonstrations, researchers will show how chemistry can respond...
BIOMOLECULES AND BIOTECHNOLOGICAL INNOVATIONThe twelfth edition of Biotech Week will take place from Wednesday 25 September to Sunday 1 October 2024: a week of events and demonstrations dedicated to...
Progetto di Ricerca PRIN 2022: An integrated study of lipidomics, metabolomics and exome sequencing to apply precision medicine on Familial hypercholesterolemia patients and identify new pathways involved in disease...
Nell’ambito dei Seminari ICB organizzati dal GdL Outreach, giorno 26 Settembre 2024 alle ore 15:00 si terrà il seminario dal titolo “Attività per la tutela e valorizzazione di specie...
Lidia Armelao del Cnr al Congresso di Chimica: le parole d’ordine sono riciclo e circolarità per un modello alternativo di industria Dalla ricerca ai processi produttivi dell’industria, passando per...
The 28th national conference of the SCI – Italian Chemical Society took place in Milan from 26 to 30 August. The conference, which counted more than 2800 participants, registered...
Dal 10 al 13 settembre si è svolto presso la sede del policlinico di Pavia il XVI Congresso Nazionale di Chimica Supramolecolare SUPRAMOL 2024.L’istituto CNR ICB-CT ha partecipato all’evento...
The 37th european peptide symposium and 14th international peptide symposium was held in Florence from 25 to 29 August 2024.The symposium covered all the relevant aspects of peptide science:...