ResearchResearch activities

The research carried out in the 4 offices of the ICB is distributed over four lines of activity through which the research staff collaborates and coordinates to study, using innovative chemical methodologies, molecules and biological processes, so as to offer solutions for new problems and requests from the fields of biomedicine, agri-food, environment, energy, materials and cultural heritage.

Training, dissemination, research evaluation and interaction with the business world are essential factors for the research activity carried out at the ICB to reach high scientific standards.

Health and Well-being

L’Istituto svolge attività di ricerca nell’ambito delle Scienze della vita con studi di ricerca di base e applicata in ambito biomedico-farmaceutico, nutraceutico e cosmetico....

Green Chemistry and Sustainability

Green Chemistry responds to human needs by design the development of environmentally friendly products and processes, taking into...


L’ICB promuove attività che riguardano lo studio dei processi biotecnologici connessi alla produzione di molecole funzionali. In particolare, vengono condotte ricerche per lo sviluppo...

Nature and environment

L’Istituto si occupa dello studio di sostanze naturali bioattive con l’obiettivo di comprenderne il ruolo ecologico e la loro distribuzione filetica e geografica in natura. Tradizionalmente l’ICB...