Daniela Castiglia
Experience & Activities
Dr Daniela Castiglia graduated in Biology cum laude at the University of Naples, Federico II in 2008. Dr Castiglia earned a PhD in Applied Biology at the same university in 2012 discussing a thesis entitled “Cytosolic Glucose-6P dehydrogenase in barley: Overexpression, characterization and regulation by biotic stress and sugar sensing”, working for the Plant Physiology group (Principal Investigator, Prof. Sergio Esposito). The research activity focused on the molecular and biochemical characterization of proteins involved in the primary metabolism of plants and in defense mechanisms counteracting biotic and abiotic stresses. During her PhD programme, Dr. Castiglia was a guest at the Plant Biology Institute of the University of Zurich, hosted by Prof. Beat Keller. From April 2013, Dr Castiglia was postdoctoral researcher at the CNR-IBBR of Portici, where her research activity focused on biotechnological applications of recombinant proteins expressed in plants. These activities were mainly focused on industrial, energetic and bioconversion processes (Principal Investigator, Dr. Nunzia Scotti). In July 2020, Dr Castiglia started work as a Researcher at the National Research Council of Italy, Institute of biomolecular chemistry, (CNR-ICB), in Pozzuoli. She is currently working on biotechnological applications of diatoms.
Chloroplast transformation
Recombinant proteins
1_Cardi M*, Castiglia D*, Ferrara M*, Guerriero G*, Chiurazzi M, Esposito S. (2015) The effects of salt stress cause a diversion of basal metabolism in barley roots: possible different roles for glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase isoforms. *: joint first authors. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 86: 44-54 DOI: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2014.11.001
2_Basile A, Sorbo S, Cardi M, Lentini M, Castiglia D, Cianciullo P, Conte B, Loppi S, Esposito S. (2015). Effects of heavy metals pollution on ultrastructure and HSP70 induction, in Lemna minor L. exposed along Sarno River (Italy). Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 114: 93-101 DOI: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2015.01.009
3_Castiglia D, Sannino L, Marcolongo L, Ionata E, Tamburino R, De Stradis A, Cobucci-Ponzano B, Moracci M, La Cara F, Scotti N. (2016) High-level expression of thermostable cellulolytic enzymes in tobacco transplastomic plants and their use in hydrolysis of an industrially pretreated Arundo donax L. biomass. Biotechnology for Biofuels, 9(1), 154. DOI:10.1186/s13068-016-0569-z
4_Castiglia D, Leone S, Tamburino R, Sannino L, Fonderico J, Melchiorre C, Carpentieri A, Grillo S, Picone D, Scotti N (2018) High-level production of single chain monellin mutants with enhanced sweetness and stability in tobacco chloroplasts. Planta 248, 465–476. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s00425-018-2920-z
5_Castiglia D, Landi S, Esposito S. (2021) Advanced Applications for Protein and Compounds from Microalgae. Plants (Basel) 10(8):1686. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10081686

ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9794-8644